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Since 1975
Welcome to Brad Zinn's Comedy and Magic website where you'll find all kinds of wonders to liven up your next event!
If you are looking for Brad's other show "The Great Comedians," please click HERE.
Comedy Magician Brad Zinn Gallery of Photos
Click on photo to see full photo. Click on left edge or right edge of center row photo to scroll through all photos. (6 pages)

Brad Zinn Formal Head Shot

Brad Zinn Casual Head Shot

SAM 248 presents Lifetime Achievement Award to Brad Zinn

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Brad Zinn escapes from Mailbag

Head chopper candid
Brad Zinn and the Home Kitchen Veg-e-matic

Brad Zinn pulls silver dollars out of thin air

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Brad Zinn welcomes the audience

Brad Zinn Emcee for Game Shows, Auctions, Fundraisers
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